Mount Vernon is open 365 days a year, including Christmas Day.

Each Be Washington scenario contains many complicated dilemmas and conflicting pieces of advice. Use these resources when teaching about the history of America and using the game Be Washington!

Inquiry Questions to Consider

Inquiry Questions to Consider

Use these inquiry questions to spark analysis while teaching with Be Washington

  • What does good leadership look like?
  • Why is it difficult to work with people who have multiple perspectives? How might it be rewarding? Additionally - how does a person’s experience impact their viewpoints and decisions?
  • How does one create a powerful government while protecting the liberties of its citizens?
  • How do the citizens of the United States impact how it functions? Why do citizen voices matter?
  • How do Washington's decisions in Be Washington affect the system of the United States government? How did Washington set precedents for presidencies to come?

How to Play Be Washington

Use this link to access information on how to play the game

View the instructions
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