Livestreams at Mount Vernon

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Sneak Peek Members Only Rebroadcast George Washington Visionary Farmer, Entrepreneur, Inventor

954 views August 26, 2021
Our first president, commanding general of the Continental Army, surveyor; these are the jobs we most associate with George Washington. For Washington, these were just that -- jobs. His passion, income, and vision for the new republic were tied to farming. We will look at the economics of the tobacco trade and address Washington’s switch to wheat, along with how he implemented creative approaches to agriculture. We’ll discuss inventions and innovations that helped make Mount Vernon profitable. And we’ve arranged a private virtual treading! Please enjoy this sneak peek of the video conversation for members with Sam Murphy, Mount Vernon's Manager of Historic Trades, as we dig into Washington's role as a visionary farmer entrepreneur, and inventor. This video has been previously recorded.
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